Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty

Tutaj można znaleźć i pobrać cytaty Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty, myśli, aforyzmy, powiedzenia, zwroty

#82876 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

-Pranie będzie dopiero za kilka dni - odpowiedział Donovan, wzruszając ramionami. - Do tego czasu będziesz musiał chyba spać al dente. -Al dente? - zmarszczyłem brwi. Zet parsknął stłumionym śmiechem. -Chyba chodzi mu o alfresco - wyjasnił - Bez przykrycia. -A co ja jestem jakiś Włoch? - Donovan podniósł rękę, jakby chciał go pacnąć, musnął jednak tylko jego ucho. - Al dente, alfresco, Al Pacino, mnie tam wszystko jedno. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o czasie


#82900 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Oh yes, beneath heaven is hell, and beneath hell is Furnace. But the horrors, that crawl and feast beneath that - now thats a truly fitting punishment for someone like me. - Oh tak, poniżej niebios piekło się rozpościera, poniżej piekieł czeka na was Otchłań. Ale okropności które pełzną i ucztują pod nią - to idealna kara dla kogoś takiego jak ja. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o piekle
#109126 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

The warden may have locked us up in Furnace, but I was the one who had arranged our execution. Because this wasnt a way out at all. It was a tomb. - Naczelnik może i zamknął nas w Otchłani, ale to ja byłem tym, który zogranizował naszą egzekucję. Ponieważ to wcale nie była droga do wyjścia. To był grobowiec. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o Tobie
#109127 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

When youre scared - and I mean really scared, not just hearing a noise in the night, or standing toe to toe with someone twice your size who wants to pound you into the earth - it feels as if youre being injected with darkness. Its like black water as cold as ice settling in your body, where your blood and marrow used to be, pushing every other feeling out as it fills you from your feet to your scalp. It leaves you with nothing. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o rzeczywistym
#109129 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Something in my gut twisted so hard that it felt like I was being tickled by an invisible hand, and it took me a moment to realize what it was. Hope. It had been so long since Id felt it that the sensation was like something living inside me, something wonderful waiting to break free, just like I was. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o śnie
#109132 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Surely the outside world had to know something bad was going on in Furnace? Except I had no idea if the outside world even existed anymore. To be honest, I wasnt sure if it ever had. There was only Furnace. It was our world, our grave, our hell. .



#109133 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

The human mind is a powerful thing in many ways, but in others its endlessly fragile - it takes only a single moment of pure terror to tear a hole in it, like a finger through a cobweb, leaving you forever just a shadow, a half-person. .

#109134 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Id been counting on them coming at me down the wall. If they appeared behind me I was dead. -Todays special: a skinny kid whos about to crap his pants - I bellowed, almost in tears. - Get it while its hot. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Wypowiedzi na temat różnych
#109135 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

...time had no meaning, reality had no meaning, sanity had no meaning. And when everything else has been taken away, you have no meaning. You simply dont exist. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o Tobie
#109136 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

We flicked a hand out at each other and I squinted into the gloom to see Simons fingers forked like scissors. They were snapping away at my paper like piranha devouring a horse. He might as well have used them to open my neck, because what I was about to do was suicide. .

#109220 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

I died in that room. I would be reborn as something else, something terrible. But I was Alex Sawyer. And I would have my revenge. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o Alex


#109221 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

-But who are you? (...) -Who am I? - he repeated, chewing on the question. - I am the man who made you. I am your father. .

#109223 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

But the nectar was a black tar pasted over my old life, onto which the images on screen stuck like feathers. No scrap of memory was spared. Everywhere I looked I saw only aggression, only anger, only death. And if there is nothing left of you but darkness, how can you not become a monster? .

#109225 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

-And some warning would have been nice, - added Zee. - You singed off my eyebrows. - He looked up at me and tried his best to smile - Looks like Im not the only one. I raised my hand to my forehead, felt the smooth skin above my eyes, painful to the touch. A quick look at Bodie and I realised thats why he hadnt looked like himself. -You both look like eggs. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o rzeczywistym
#109226 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

-Yes sir, Mr Rojo-Flores - I replied, snatching the tool from him and ignoring his raised middle fingers - What does that name mean anyway? -Literally it means Killer-of those-who-take-the-piss - he said. - So watch it. -Means red flowers - corrected Zee. .

#109424 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Nie uciekliśmy z naszego więzienia, lecz przenieślśmy się do nowego. I chociaż jest tu niezliczona ilość miejsc gdzie można się ukryć, wciąż nie mamy dokąd uciec. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o ego


#109425 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Obróciłem się i spojrzałem na Zee trzymającego parę ogromnych, niebieskich ogrodniczek dla ciężarnych w radosne słoneczniki. Przyłożył je do mnie i zamruczał z aprobatą. -To tutaj chyba jedyna rzecz, która będzie na ciebie pasować. A poza tym ten kolor dobrze uwydatnia twoje sińce. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o ego
#109427 Alexander-Gordon-Smith

Wydaje mi się, że kiedy przeszedłeś z kimś tak wiele, kiedy podróżowaliście do piekła i z powrotem, kiedy doświadczyliście wszystkiego co najgorsze na świecie i śmialiście się razem pomimo iż śmierć była tuż za rogiem, to dzielisz z nimi więź, połączenie, którgo nie powinno być, a jeszcze jakoś wciąż jest. .

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty o śmierci

Alexander-Gordon-Smith Cytaty , Cytaty Alexander-Gordon-Smith, Cytaty o Alexander-Gordon-Smith
